Loading and transforming data via adapters

Discovery & Reconciliation: ePoll

The purpose of the ePoll module is to reconcile inventory data of the procurement / financial system with the data in network systems (LMS/NMS/OSS) and show differences between the systems


What does ePoll do?

It can trigger automatic actions based on the reconciliation results based on pre-configured business rules. The two data sets are reconciled against each other on attributes like serial number, item codes, part number, license ID, license key, location, or node. The system is capable of reconciling at the serial number level or grouping by quantity basis a location grouping definition. The system automatically identifies unused inventory and updates the procurement/ financial inventory system status. Managers can review data and act on reusing or surrendering idle inventory or correctly reassigning to the correct location, node, or hardware.


How does ePoll work?

Load the inventory and LMS, NMS, or OSS data from the network inventory aggregations or directly from network systems through FTP, DB Link, API, or CSV file. The data is transformed into a single data model/ structure. Business or validation rules are applied to find data anomalies. Data can be ignored for reconciliation based on pre-configured business rules.


Reconciliation can be scheduled based on entity, region, or technology and performed on specific days of the week or month.

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Reconciliation Results List

Inventory vs. 3rd party systems matches, discrepancies, and reasons for differences are documented on Fulcrum Technologies. Both excesses in Inventory and 3rd party system are identified, along with suggested actions and possible causes. For instance, unused software or licenses not associated with any hardware or node. The type of mismatch is indicated, showcasing the discrepancies.

Auto Rule-Based or Manual Action

According to the preconfigured business rules, ePoll suggests actions for discrepancies/mismatches. For instance, updating or changing the location on the inventory system is recommended if all attributes match except for location. Similarly, updating or changing the hardware serial number attributed to the license is suggested if there is a mismatch.

In cases where direct updates are impossible, mismatches are flagged for research and provided reasons for the inability to update specific attributes. Updates can be automated after completion or triggered by review. Alternatively, bulk updates can be performed by exporting data from the system, reviewing it, and loading it back into the system using the export/import functionality. ePoll intelligently suggests actions for excess inventory based on configured business rules.

For example, excess inventory on the procurement/financial side, not found on 3rd party systems, can be automatically changed to “idle” and further analyzed by respective managers. Additionally, the inventory module can automatically store excess inventory on the 3rd party systems side for review and matching with unmatched items. ePoll also intelligently suggests matches between excess inventories based on preconfigured business rules.

Reporting with ePoll & Reconciliation

  • The system comes with reports on excess, match, and mismatch; the system-suggested updates and actions triggered
  • Reports can be configured and formatted based on business requirements
  • Dashboards can be configured and personalized with plug & play widgets, and other data points for quick viewing, monitoring, and tracking
  • Custom reporting – drill downs and layered data for a visual representation of the data other than at a detailed level or a summary level can be developed

The benefits of using our software.

Fulcrum’s Software Solutions are for individuals, departments, and companies of any scale to configure, track, and manage their stuff easily and quickly.
It empowers the mobile workforce to collect data in the field with our iOS or Android app.

Keep your infrastructure running smoothly.

Gain a comprehensive understanding of your assets.
Enhance visibility and insights into your data from all angles.
Maintain an overview of the status and future of your assets.
Generate comprehensive reports for a closer examination of valuable details.


Not Just for Asset Tracking

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